Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Playing when theres nothing to be played.

Fizzled out last night. 77 couldn't hold vs AK for a big pot and then got my money in good with AQ vs AJ but guy flopped a J on me and I was out in 23rd.

I've been running TERRIBLE today so far. I can't get much going and i've been playing great. The cards just haven't been falling. Maybe it's something about people playing during the daytime that's different than late at night. You would think people would play better during the day since they would be more focused and attentive, but that DEFINITELY isn't the case here today. I'm gonna stick with and and hopefully end up with a few final tables before the night is over, but i'm going to HAVE to start hitting flops vs these donkeys.

Just had to vent so I don't start playing on tilt. UGGGGGGGGG

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